Childlike Soul

Childlike Soul



4 May 2015

11 - Little Boy In The Grass

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It was summer. 22nd of July 2011. The nameless male docked the ferry to land at the small island Utøya (I refuse to use his name).

On the island there was youths on summercamp, talking and learning about politics, as they all was members of AUF (youths members of the political party Arbeiderpartiet).

Earlier that day the male parked a car with explosives on the side of the executive government quarter and set it off with a timer. It killed 8 people and over 200 got damaged.

Shortly after, he entered Utøya under the guise of beeing a policeman who was there to inform and protect the youth.

Once upon the island, he armed himself and began to shoot at the kids he saw. Terror soon arouse, and the kids started to run in hiding. Some try to swim across to shore. Many was picked up from the water by passing boats. The male killed 69 kids that day.

Later, when the prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, addressed the people, he said:

"No one has said it better than the AUF girl who was interviewed by CNN: 'If one man can show so much hate, think how much love we could show, standing together.'

Rumors among the Warriors and Weirdos is that Aurora had a friend who died on Utøya. A story strongly supported by the statement she wrote on Facebook about the release of "Little boy in the grass" four years later:

"Today is the day. 22nd of July. It's been 4 years since you left us. Since all of you left us. how time flies, we even find ourselves forgetting for a moment, nearly moving on.. Not because we forget you, but because we remember to live. But know that I will always remember you, and everyone that went down with you. I will think of love, and send love to those who needs it this today. I hope no one is crying alone. Rest in peace my friend. You are free now. 'Little boy in the grass'. "(11.1)

Thank you, all who has dm'ed me about this story. You have helped me find words to express this sad story (I got you tagged on the clip above)


11.1 - Aurora on Facebook about Utøya, 22nd of July, 2015

4 May 2015

10 - In Boxes

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A little "Thank you" to Roman (@a.different.kind.of.aurora) for enlightening me about the release of Running with the wolves (RWTS) EP. The date of this release was chosen because of the referanse to "Star Wars" - May the 4th and May the Force... is a well known play with phrases (^10.1).

"In boxes" wasn't previously released as a single when it was dropped as the 3rd song on her "Running with the wolves" EP. Still - as we shall see in later song stories - this song have strong connections with other songs that plays on the murder-/domestic violence theme.

Tracking down the background story for this song has been quite difficult. There does seem to be an agreement among those interpreting the song that the whole piece is a long metaphor for past relationships, covered within this story of a crazy murderer (^10.2). If you know any interviews or facts about this song, please let me know.

"It's not about me, but a crazy lady doing crazy stuff... but I like to write stories... that comes from emotions within me..." (^10.3)

An interesting sidetrack - the day after this EP was released, Aurora and her family founded the company Aurora Music AS. Aurora herself owns the greatest stock (60%), while her parents share the rest (^10.4). Then we realize that her whole family, parents and siblings (Miranda, the makeup-artist and Viktoria, tailoring and fashion clothing), are involved in this.

The clip included above is from her show in Manchester 2016 (^10.5)


10.1 - "Aurora runs with the wolves" at
10.2 -  "In boxes" at
10.3 - Interview at FaceCulture, DailyMotion
10.4 - Aurora Music AS

21 Apr 2015

9 - Running With The Wolves 

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The song "Running with the wolves" (RWTW) was probably released as a teaser to build excitement towards the upcomming debut EP with the same title, which was released the 4th of May 2015.

The day the RWTS EP was released, announced that Aurora was to perform at the small Norwegian town Stavanger in October. There was placed 280 tickets for sale. Quite a small venue, when you consider her fame today (^9.1).

In an old interview, no longer available on, she said that this song was written during a blood moon (total eclipse) in 2014 (^9.2). There was two such eclipses that year; in april and in october. Now that we know that Aurora performed this song at the Øya Festival in Oslo in august 2014, we can pinpoint the day this song was written to 15th of April 2014 (^9.3)

"I just imagined the moon turning all the people around the world into wild animals, running away from all the rules, all the materialism and technology. Just being a part of nature again, running free" (^9.2)

An acoustic version of this song was set loose the 7th July 2015, and only three days after that (10th of July), Vevo dropped the music video on YouTube (^9.4).

"Music videos are so important to get the real point. It was fun to make... it was very cold and I ended up having to swim. But swimming is fine there, there were also ducks there.I have always liked ducks"

RWTW has undergone som shaping and moulding over the years. I have made a three stages videoclip (above) to show you some of the different ways she performs it.


9.1 - Running With The Wolves at FanDom
9.2 - Blood Moon
9.3 - Wikipedia - Running with the wolves
9.4 - 4th of May 2015 album release

7 Feb 2015

8 - Runaway

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Almost a whole year passed from the release of "Awakening" to the release of this one, even though we know this one was performed at By:Larm 2014 and at concerts before and after that one.

The year of 2014 was a busy year for Aurora, with performances and interviews in Norway, added with shows in Germany, UK and several states in USA (^8.1). A really big event this year was the Øya Festival 2014, a performance that harvested blessings and praise in the reviews. An example is "... Goosebumps, chills down my spine and a couple of tears in my eyes... Assessment: 9/10" - (^8.2).

Aurora wrote "Runaway" at her home, sitting by the piano a quiet day. She said in an interview that the song came to her in an epiphany. The weather outside was grey and the time stood still (^8.3)

"For me now, that song is about my actual home where my parents are," the Norwegian singer added. "When I was 17, I remember being quite scared [when she was away and touring] because it seemed so far away and I thought, 'will my family die?'" (^8.4).

Two weeks after it's release, 25th of February, the music video for "Runaway" was published. The filming was done outside, and Aurora got sick from the cold afterwards (^8.4). But it was well worth it; Katy Perry herself proclaimed herself as a fan of Aurora after watching it: "Finally, some music that makes my heart flutter, check out this 17 year old angel.", she wrote on Twitter (^8.5)

There's more: Before the year ends for Aurora, she gets invited to play at the Nobel Peace Price Concert, the 11th of December 2015, along with KYGO and A-ha (^8.6). From this point there is no doubt whether Aurora is climbing fast to shine among the stars. By this time she had only released the EP "Running with the wolves" which I will cover soon.

I have included a clip from the demo version (^8.7)and the Peace Prize Concert 2015 (^8.8) above. Notice how the mood and sound has changed over the course of 1.5 years of working with its production.



8.1 -Bandsintown - Concert lists
8.2 - NyMusikkhverdag
8.3 -Runaway song story on NME
8.4 -Song facts
8.5 -Katy Perry tweet (
8.6 -Aurora to the Peace Prize concert
8.7 - AURORA - Runaway (Demo version)
8.8 -Runaway, Peace Prize Concert 2015

25 Nov 2014

7 - Under Stars

Link to post on Instagram

I have really looked forward to share this one with you. This story is remarkable. 

After signing contract with three major companies (Universal/Decca, Glassnote and Petroleum), Aurora and Made startet to make music that Aurora could recognize herself in. That's when they decided to make "Under Stars" as a teaser (^7.1}. Aurora said:

"This song is kind of 'heavy'. Everything is not supposed to sound like this one." (^7.2) “It’s about us. About the people we’ve lost through time, and how we handle that loss. The guilt of still being alive when they are not, and the hope that they might only be sleeping, maybe still dreaming, under the stars.“ (^7.3)  

The song was then released in an unconventional way; There was no marketing involved. It was mostly released by Made themselves with no help but in some of the creative parts (^7.1) In the ears of Made, this song wasn't a typical radiosong, so beside booking more shows, they used bloggers to promote the song. I have found some statements from such (^7.1):
Josh Dalton: "Stunning new music"
Pigeons & Planes: "Auroras latest single 'Under Stars' sounds like an intergalactic dream"
Gold Flake Paint: "Just a reminder that, despite it all, Aurora Aksnes has dropped one of the years brightest pop moments"
This promotion - alongside all her concerts - then made the foundation to be welcomed to play warm ups and smaller gigs in foreign countries. The plan has all along been to let Auroras fame and music grow organically (^7.1).
I do hope you find this as interesting as I do. If anything is wrong or missing, please write it in  the comments below. There will be a couple of days to the next ones, as I need the weekend to do some more research. 

7.1 - Ballade - Slik ble aurora til.
7.2 - - Aurora - Next Norwegian superstar?
7.3, EU premiere, Aurora
Song - YouTube, Under stars (Live Appletree2015)

2 Sep 2022

6 - Awakening 2 of 3

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I don't know why, but in my head, the By:Larm festival 2014 was a one day event for Aurora. But she actually did two performances during that festival;  Thursday the 28t of February at "Herr Nilsen" and Friday 1st of March at "Gamla" (^6.1).

The setlist for the shows was (^6.2):

1.Blue Valentine
2.We were going to do that

News of her upcoming show in Oslo rose excitement in Bergen and Norway. After a great performance at "Nabovarsel Minifestival" the 20th of February 2014, she really got the attention from people within the music industry (^6.3), even though, as we have seen, she was noticed before that as well.

The Nabovarsel Minifestival presented her thus:

"By just listening to Aurora Aksnes’ music, you’ll see that there are no hints of her being only seventeen years old. The songs have the qualities of a much older and a more established artist.. " (^6.4)

During the By:Larm festival, she also received two awards; the Women's Rolemodel award (and approx. 5000 euros) and the NOPAS award (and approx. 2000 euros) (^6.5). The NOPAS is given to songwriters who excell at their lyrics (^6.6).

After her performances, Aurora was praised in our national newspapers. The journalists used phrases like: "Pop-princess to the crowning" (^6.5), "It should almost be forbidden to have a voice like Aurora" (^6.1) and "impressive credibility, passion and presence..." (^6.7).

And no small wonder; just listen to our young and upcoming artist in the snippet linked below. It's from her Friday event at "Gamla" (^6.8) - and it's beautiful 😍🤩.


The world was now on the verge of bending knee to the upcoming Queen of the Queendom. In the next, we shall see her growth towards the exciting release of "Under Stars" - which again will bring us forward to the amazing "Running with the wolves" EP. Last "Awakening" story will come later.



6.1 - Aurora AksnesBy:Larm 2014 Poster on Facebook
6.2 - Aurora Aksnes,Bylarm 2014, YouTube
6.3 - BA: 17-åringtil By:Larm
6.4 - NabovarselMinifestival 2014
6.5 - BergensTidende: Pop-prinsesse Aurora på kroningsferd
6.6 - Prisoverrekkelse på By:Larm
6.7 - VG: By:Larm,Stjerneklar
6.8 - YouTube: Awakening at By:Larm festival 2014

29 Aug 2022

5 - Awakening 1 of 3


Aurora released a version of this song at "Urørt" (="Untouched") in April 2013. Later this song has been removed. I am uncertain whether Made and Odd Martin took part in this production. Quite exciting if they didn't (^5.1).

Later that year, in November, Made mgt, Aurora and her parents met up with the German music company BUDDE. She was about to be recognized worldwide (^5.2).

This signing seem to have made some confusion as to when this song was actually released. The clip above that shows two newspapers claiming release "late 2013".

This song was released worldwide the 13th of March 2014 (^5.3), this time with Odd Martin as a co-writer. The week after, it was again presented in NRK Urørt, where it climbed all the way to the top of the list (^5.4).

In an interview with JaJa Music in England, she had this to say about the song.

"I don’t want to ruin the feeling you might get listening to it… If it makes you happy or sad I want it to stay like that. But it’s about a girl, experiencing all kinds of different things… but it ends with light " (^5.5).

Further, in November the same year, an Irish paper had this to say about Aurora (^5.6):

"Dark pop with some thrilling edges and frills from Bergen in Norway. Aurora Aksnes may be still a teenager but she’s already crafting pop with such a subtle, beautiful power and punch that the mighty Glassnote label have snapped her up."

I hope you enjoy this. Feel free to comment, elaborate or correct me if I'm wrong.


5.1 - Nå er den her - "Awakening". Facebook: AURORA.
5.2 - Made and Aurora signs with BUDDE
5.3 - Awakening, Aurora Fandom
5.4 - NRK Urørt
5.5 - JaJaJa Music
5.6 - Irish Times

1 Jan 2013

4 - Unreleased 2013-2014

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At first, when Made Management tried to make contact with Aurora, she resolutely said "No!" to meet them.

Luckily, her parents kept encouraging her to give it a chance and hear them out. The final argument that persuaded Aurora, was her mother's words: "If you can create something that can actually help people, you should not keep it to yourself."

Aurora and her parents met her future manager Geir Luedy around March-May 2013. Geir proved himself as an honest, patient, professional and experienced man. He advised her to not agree to any contracts with any management for a while. Not even them (from Made). Instead, they came to an agreement to take time, get to know eachother and try to make some music together.

Geir has all along pressed the importance of having fun with the music, and not pushed her more than what she was ready for.

During the year 2013 she did some small performances and photoshoots to familiarize her to the settings and help her "find her voice and looks". Geir Luedy called this to "build the product"; what and how to perform, how to dress and do the make-up, who and how to produce the recordings and where to perform and do interviews (^4.1)

Through the year 2013 she performed at Nordahl Grieg high school in February, June, August and December. My guess is that this was booked directly with her, since this was the school she was attending. After a few days in August 2014, she decided to quit the third school year (^4.2)

The autumn of 2013 Aurora starts to do minor shows in galleries and academic quarters, until her first gig outside of her hometown area. This was Høstlarm in the capitol, Oslo - Cafe Mono, the 3rd of October 2013. This gave her some attention, and helped her break through at By:larm 2014, as the rumors had preceded her and people were standing in line to watch the show at "Herr Nilsen" (^4.3) - (more on this in future song story).

In addition to performing some of the later releases Awakening, Runaway and Conqueror (and maybe Walking in the air and Life on Mars?), it is known that she performed the songs I have included snippets of here in the clip above (^4.4).



4.1 - Ballade - Slikble Aurora til
4.2 - Myrbråten, Charlotte. Ungdommen nå til dags.Klassekampen, 2.3.2015
4.3 - VG -Stjerneklar

Samples of unreleased songs:

5 Jan 2013

3 - Walking In The Air

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Sometine in January 2013.

Believe me! You want to read this...

 27th of November 2015. The Norwegian newspaper "Avisa Nordland" announced that Aurora was to play at "Parkenfestivalen", along with a summary of Auroras career so far. In this article it comes for a day that Aurora was contacted by Made Management after they found her interpretation of a Christmas song on Soundcloud (^3.1).

Further on... In her local newspaper "Bergens Tidende" the 2nd of December 2014, she talks about her upcoming Christmas concert in Johannes-church the 12th and 13th of December. She said then: "Then I at least I will be able to sing my favorite Christmas song, 'Walking In The Air' - I love the sad Christmas carols." (^3.2)

I can unfortunately not be 100 percent certain of this, as I have never heard of this elsewhere. Still I am quite sure that the song she made a cover of, and uploaded to Soundcloud in January 2013 was in fact "Walking In The Air". I have heard her claim this song to be the most beautiful song of them all in Christmas, on some interviews found on YouTube (Sorry, don't remember which...).

At the same period of time, when Aurora had a radiohit going with "Puppet", a friend of hers uploaded "I Had A Dream" to YouTube and Soundcloud. Both song showing her as talented as both a singer and a songwriter... (See those stories for sources)

This means that prior to her discovery, Made Management had three songs on the table before making contact with Aurora and her family.

The version presented above is from December 2014 (^3.3)

Which again leads us to the next song in line: "Awakening" - But first we need to explore some of the unreleased songs preceding this release that gave flames to the sparks she had ignited.

I know!

There was released a cover version of this song in 2019 - But that's another story... 😊



3.1 - Parkenfestivalen, Avisa Nordland
3.2 - BergensTidende, Stjerneveien kostes for stortalentet fra Os
3.3 - Walking In TheAir on YouTube

12 Dec 2012

2 - Puppet

Find the instagram post here.

Aurora has been in a studio with a friend to record a song on to a CD. It was supposed to be a gift to her mother come Christmas.

As a twist of fate, a close friend of hers uploaded the song to the Norwegian radio show "NRK Urørt". Two days (!) later it was played about 4.000 times, and it climbed all the way to the top of that list ("Urørt" means "Untouched"...). 

At the time, the 16 year old girl was more into dancing. In 2011 she was selected into an elite dance troupe who participated in the Norwegian Youth Culture championship.

In an interview about the song and her songwriting, she said she had written 32 complete song, and that she had more ideas not written yet. "Puppet" was the first she ever recorded.

"There is both good and bad sides of life, and I deem it important to bring out the shadowed sides", she proceeds. "I write about this and hope that some people recognize themselves in my lyrics."


2.1 - Midtsiden - Debutant til topps på Urørt
2.2 - Puppet video on YouTube

12 Jun 2012

1 - I Had A Dream

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No we wouldn't lift a finger ⁣for the lost ones⁣

We wouldn't give money ⁣to the poor⁣
Our happiness has come ⁣in shape of gold⁣
And we forget what's truly ⁣worth living for⁣

Aurora was only six years old when she found her older sister's electric piano in her attics. It had some issues with the power button, so she sometimes had to play one-handed, while holding the button down (^1.1)⁣

Her interest piqued, she started to dig out known tunes and songs by herself, thrilled and driven by the emotions coming forth. Rumors among the Warriors and Weirdos (Facebook group) has it that she by the age of nine had even learned to play Beethovens "Moonlight Sonata" by listening and searching. I haven't been able to confirm this, but it would not come as a surprise if it's true (^1.2)⁣

Playing with the keys, she also composed melodies of her own during these first years. As a nine year old girl she startet writing lyrics, and during the next six years she had written 32 complete songs - and still had many song ideas not complete or not yet written down (^1.3)⁣

According to an interview with the Sun newspaper in December 2015, "I Had A Dream" was the first one she wrote. It was inspired by a "drunk man sleeping in the streets". The song spins around conflicts, materialism and the sad fact that we as humans choose to ignore the darker, difficult sides of living (^1.4)⁣

She performed this song at her 10th grade graduation party, playing guitar. This was the first time she ever was on a stage. After she got some acclaim through "Puppet" (2012), a friend posted a videosnippet of this performance on Facebook and uploaded the whole song on Soundcloud (^1.5 and ^1.6)⁣

This is the small beginnings of her story. A story I intend to take you through - song by song.⁣

Stay tuned!⁣

1.1 - TV Troupes 
1.2 - Warriors and Weirdos on Facebook
1.3 - Midtsiden
1.4 -
1.5 - YouTube: I Had A Dream
1.6 - Soundcloud: I Had A Dream

22 Aug 2022

Aurora Song Stories 

You can find this story here

Pack my bags, ⁣I know the road⁣
I write the words ⁣and here I go⁣
Towards the peace ⁣
I need to find⁣
I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine ⁣
on the other side⁣

(All My Demons)


Come Christmas, it's been years since the unexpected release of "Puppet". A mere child, producing a song for her mother as a Christmas gift, ended up changing the world. All in bits an pieces - using talent, patience, friends and time to build a voice to reckon with.⁣ ⁣

I have decided to use this autumn to explore and dig into all the rumors and stories told about our Majesty. I want to track down, song by song, the story of how this uncertain, quiet little girl could come to be one of the greatest artist of our time.⁣ ⁣

I don't know today where this will end. I have allready noticed that to tell the story of a song, I will also be telling a story. It will, of course, not be THE STORY of Aurora - but it will be A STORY. Or maybe I will find out down the road, that I actually is telling MY STORY…

Anyway - I really look forward to this, and I hope you will join me on this tour.⁣ ⁣ To keep the stories collected, I will make an Aurora Song Story tag. It will make it easier for you to track down the posts later, should anyone wish to do so. Have any stories of your own? Please add them in 😊. ⁣ ⁣Starting with "I Had A Dream".⁣ Stay tuned.⁣

1 Aug 2020

Old links

It's a complete mess, but the links are numbered. It should be quite easy to find the link you are looking for

Page:1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5